OBJECTIVE Entry Level Position
B. A. Degree - Biology/Neuroscience, May 1999
Amherst College
Science Courses with Laboratories
- Adaptation and the Organism
- Molecules, Genes, and Cells
- Molecular Genetics
- Ecology
- Biochemistry
- Physiological Psychology
- Neurobiology
- Introductory Chemistry I/II
- Organic Chemistry I/II
- Introductory Physics I/II
Science Courses without Laboratories
- Genetic Analysis
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Biostatistics
- Introductory Psychology
- Psychobiology of Stress
- Psychology as a Natural Science
- Introduction to Computer Science
Courses in the Humanities
- Memory
- Materials and Design of Theatre
- The Grammar of English
- Introduction to Asian Studies
- Introduction to Music Theory
- Italian Cinema Scripting
Honors Thesis in Immunology:
Developing a System of in Vitro Hypermutation
Member of Sigma Xi
Project with Professor Goldsby (6/97 to 8/98):
Searching for Catalytic Antibodies in the Germinal Center
Teaching Assistant for Amherst College Biology Courses
(Laboratory Preparation and Supervision):
- Biochemistry (1/99 - 5/99) - Genetic Analysis
(1/98 - 5/98)
- Molecules, Genes
- Ecology (9/97 - 12/97)
and Cells (9/98 - 12/98) - Adaptation
and the Organism (1/97 - 5/97)
PRODUCTION 12/99-1/01 Enrolled at the Improv
Olympic Theatre in Chicago
9/95-5/99 Member of Amherst College Co-ed A Cappella Group
- 3 year involvement in publicity for the group
(2 years as senior in charge of production)
responsibilities included conception and completion of
advertising campaigns for auditions and performances
(e.g. posters, trading cards, CD cover design)
- 3 years involvement in sketch writing for performance
(2 years as senior skit writer)
responsibilities included conception, scripting,
and directing of comical vignettes for performance
9/95-12/96 DJ for late night talk show on WAMH - Amherst College Radio
1/94-5/95 Founding member of Northampton High School Drama Club
-activities included scene performance (e.g. Shakespeare,
Arthur Miller) and Improvisational Comedy
6/93-8/93 Playwright/Director of Children's Summer Theatre
-responsibilities included authorship and directing of a comical
one act play performed by 5th and 6th graders
Laboratory techniques:
- DNA/RNA extraction -
- Primer Design
- Ligation/Transformation - Plasmid Purification
- DNA Sequencing
- Sequence Analysis
- Cell Fusion
- Cell Culture
- Silver Staining
- Restriction Digests
- Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism
Computer Skills:
- Webpage Design - PowerPoint
- PhotoShop
- PageMaker
- Infini-D, 3D Animation - Deskscan II
- Working knowledge of Mac and IBM operating systems
- Italian (fluent) - Latin (5
yrs) - French (4 yrs)
- Ancient Greek (2 semesters)
- Russian (2 semesters)
- Middle English (1semester)
REFERENCES AND PORTFOLIO Available upon request.
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